Carol Platt Liebau: So Much for "Diplomacy"

Sunday, June 03, 2007

So Much for "Diplomacy"

Even as Democrats, "State Department Republicans" and those who believe that as "process" is more important than obtaining a result have been touting America's talks with Iran, it's worth noting that Iran is sending more arms to Shiites in Iraq and the Taliban in Afghanistan than ever before.

Even this morning, Ryan Crocker of the State Department was insisting that Americans and Iranians have a shared interest in a stable, peaceful Iraq. Yes, our interests our perfectly aligned -- that is, as along Americans are OK with the Shiite mullahcracy that the Iranians want to install, even as it hopes to see the US humiliated by a white-flag surrender in Iraq.

Seems that my earlier skepticism about the talks was well-founded.


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