Carol Platt Liebau: Good Point, Mitt

Monday, May 07, 2007

Good Point, Mitt

This evening on Hannity and Colmes, Governor Mitt Romney was being grilled by Alan Colmes about his change of position on abortion. In response, he raised an excellent point: Why, he asked, are people who move from pro-choice to pro-life constantly questioned, while those who move in the opposite direction are merely deemed to have "seen the light"?

He's got a point. Many well known Democrats -- including Jesse Jackson and Richard Gephardt -- changed position on the abortion issue every bit as thoroughly as Mitt Romney did. Yet I can't remember any pro-choice convert being asked to spell out the details of his change of mind with the kind of persistance and in the kind of detail that's been demanded of Romney.

This evening was also the first interview I'd seen with the Governor's wife, Ann. I liked her -- especially when she reminded the Governor that he hadn't answered a question. It was the sort of entirely natural byplay one sees among couples who really do get along and work together.


Blogger Neil Cameron (One Salient Oversight) said...

Mitt Romney's favourite book is "Battlefield Earth". That's weird. Link

5:44 AM  
Blogger The Flomblog said...

consider the source.

Hey I read both Mein Kampf and some of the works of Marx. what does that say about me??

9:11 AM  

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