Carol Platt Liebau: Could It Be Any Clearer?

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Could It Be Any Clearer?

According to this piece, Al Qaeda is mocking the Democrats' white flag legislation.

As I've noted before, the kind of surrender the Democrats are advocating would only validate Al Qaeda's long held view that Americans in particular and the West in general are too lazy, decadent and pathetic to fight them.

Way to go, Dems.


Blogger Earth to Carol said...

I haven't heard a single Democrat or Independent suggest surrender as a possible option. Can you site your source with a real quote, Carol?

7:57 AM  
Blogger AnUnrepentantThinker said...


When will you stop letting what Al Qaeda says dictate what you think or say? What is it about you that their self serving statements cause you to make such pathetically stupid posts like this? When are you going to realize that the choice of when/where/how we use our armed forces should be based on rational assessments of the situation on the ground instead of the press releases of the opposing forces? Just about everyone other than GWB and his faithful supporters has come to accept the reality that we will not achieve our goals in Iraq through the use of military force. In the face of that, in place of real leadership, we have an administration that keeps handing out kool-aid to the faithful, in the form of recycled talking points. "Progress is being made" “Democrats are playing politics…” “Support the troops by….” "Fight them there or fight them here" "We're spreading democracy"....
You're more interested in fighting Democrats than Al Qaeda. How can I believe otherwise when you continue to support a policy that advances their interests more than ours?

Oh, by the way, I haven't seen any posts from you about the wonderfulness of the GWB DOJ. You must be proud of the good work they're doing. Harvard lawyer that you are, you should be able to give us chapter and verse of how much better it is than when Reno was AG. Or maybe not, looks like Regent University is the new pinnacle of legal scholarship.

8:03 AM  
Blogger Earth to Carol said...

Carol would prefer other US families serve and be caught in Bush's meat grinder. A trap that bubble-boy fell into even though his own father pointed it out.

"This bill will deprive us of the opportunity to destroy the American forces which we have caught in a historic trap," Zawahiri says.

9:41 AM  
Blogger Marshal Art said...

Brian and ETC,

It seems to me that it is YOU who are slaves to the rantings of the enemy and their supporters, both foreign and domestic. We, on the other hand, have noticed that they are pretty good at proving they mean what they say. EArth says he hasn't heard a single Dem suggest surrender. But their every word is in fact surrender "ay any other name". The result is the same. The effect on our enemies is the same.

As to Brian's statement "Just about everyone other than GWB and his faithful supporters has come to accept the reality that we will not achieve our goals in Iraq through the use of military force", this of course excludes the military leaders that are leading the way in Iraq now, such as Gen. Patraeus, otherwise he wouldn't be waiting on the rest of the troops being sent. He's the only one you need listen to at this time.

4:09 PM  
Blogger AnUnrepentantThinker said...


Of course they speak in their own best interest. I don't need to listen to them, or really care what they say except as it reveals their motivations. You don't see me trumpeting the content of their latest press release as proof of anything. On the other hand, the fact that they are in a position to make these videos speaks volumes about the competence of the people that enabled it, don't you think?

I can understand why you want emphasize what Patraeus is saying, he's the only one saying what you want to hear. You keep trumpeting Democrats/surrender because the alternative is GWB/disaster. It is not surrender when you recognize the futility of continuing a doomed policy. Doomed it was by the lack of foresight at its inception, doomed it is by the incompetence of its execution, and doomed it will remain by the irrationality of its continuation. It's long past the time to close your ears to the talking points and open you nose to the smell of the corpses. (Please spare me the n'th recitation of the fantasy that the 9/11 attack somehow justifies this fiasco.)

OBL had to know that 9/11 would produce a massive reaction, but I doubt that he hoped in his wildest dreams how badly GWB would actually screw up.


10:33 PM  
Blogger Marshal Art said...

Nice try Brian,

I want to listen to Patraeus because he's in the thick of it, and he knows better than the likes of you what is required or what is possible. You also seem to forget that there has never been a war where things went badly for us. Start with the first one. G. Washington had his moments as well. By some accounts he was a failure who lucked into victory. Lincoln went through several generals until he landed Grant and Sherman. D-Day wasn't exactly a rousing success with a death toll that would make today's whiners want to quit that war and bring the boys home. The type of flawless victory of which you dream happens only in comic books. Here in the real world, the enemy fights back. When the going gets tough, people like you open the gates and give over the city. It IS surrender when one crumbles before a challenge that means to destroy those one is supposed to protect. You call it talking points, I call it reality and you'd better face it.

5:09 PM  
Blogger AnUnrepentantThinker said...


Your problem is that you have superpower disease, and believe that somehow enough firepower can solve any problem. Patraeus can have as many tactical victories as he wants. They won't add up to strategic victory as long as every battle he wins means he has to fight two more. He's up to his butt in alligators and has lost sight of the swamp. So long as we remain, fixated on a military solution, we prevent implementation of a regional political solution. Like the BIPARTISAN ISG recommended. But that didn't go well with GWB'S codpiece way of doing things, so it's time to recycle generals until we get one who says the right things. We've got ourselves in the middle of a Shia/Sunni conflict that is over 1000 years old, and our credibility is near zero with both sides, so the idea that we're somehow going to quell the violence and facilitate a rapprochement with force of arms is ludicrous. I don't dream of a flawless victory, I'd be happy with any kind. But that's not going to be. We can stave off defeat for as long as we want to keep fighting, but that Bevis you like to call a president has put victory safely beyond our reach. This hole is deep enough, it's time to stop digging. Try listening to Ret. Gen. Odom.


9:41 PM  
Blogger Marshal Art said...

Not interested in the views of a retired guy not involved with the current situation. Patraeus has been on the job a very short time and you're trashin' him before his plan in in full effect. Shows you lack a realistic POV. There will be no political solution without a military presence of the type that can actually dissuade the scum from fully acting out their agenda. What's going on politically only happens at this time due to the Multi-Nat'l forces keeping the scum at bay. Progress is being made in the areas of building Iraqi troop strength and the training of leaders will take more time. But it is happening and more often Iraqi personnel are taking the lead in missions there. The only hole to worry about is the one in which all you naysayers have crawled out from. Try listening to those who are there getting it done.

11:11 PM  

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