Carol Platt Liebau: One Big Difference

Saturday, June 10, 2006

One Big Difference

In the New York Times, Adam Nagourney argues that the internet has become for liberals what talk radio has been for conservatives.

To some extent, he's right -- the internet has allowed the left to become energized and organized in an unprecedented way.

But the most important point is that the internet is helping to destroy the Democratic Party by giving voice to the wildest rantings from the looniest fringe. Talk radio allowed mainstream Republican views, which were not well represented in the MSM, to reach the public. The public has always had access to left wing views through the MSM -- and now, the sky's the limit for the lefty fringe, because (unlike talk radio) the internet provides no parameters for debate, or leaders, or ideological framing the way talk radio has.

That's why the KosKidz and are as big a liability for mainstream Democrats as Rush Limbaugh has been a boon for mainstream Republicans. Just ask Joe Lieberman.


Blogger Poison Pero said...

You are so correct, Carol.

I love Koz and MoveOn.......But then again, I love seeing Democrats lose.

4:56 PM  
Blogger Neil Cameron (One Salient Oversight) said...

I think the desire to paint the leftist blogosphere as being "loonies" is not accurate. In fact I think you're just trying to engage in a bit of propaganda yourself Carol, to make people fear these bloggers.

Many of the lefty bloggers are actually quite sensible and reasonably positioned in terms of their opinions. There are no Marxists amongst them arguing that the workers should control the means of production, and there are no major discussions about Gun control or reversing the second amendment - many of these lefty bloggers are gun owners.

Moreover these lefty bloggers can be as hard, if not harder, on the Democrats than upon the Republicans. There's been a notable shift in the last 6-9 months about the suitability of Hilary Clinton's 2008 presidential bid, with most lefties thinking that she's not the best candidate - and this is not because she is too "conservative" for them (she's not), but because there is a deep seated doubt about the way in which the Democratic party machine has been operating since 1994. "Crashing The Gates", the book of choice amongst lefty bloggers, is mostly a critical look at the Democratic party and how it has failed since 1994.

The difference between the left and the right on this issue is that the "base" of the right that used talk radio as its source is generally a one-way street, while blogging is generally quite complex and has a two-way communication system. In that sense, the right essentially uses its media (talk radio, Fox network) to communicate to its base and tell them what they should think. The leftist blogosophere, however, relies upon networks and critical discussions - the result being that the policies put forth by the base are actually an amalgam of the base's beliefs and not the result of "indoctrination".

Take Health care for example. Many leftist bloggers want an increase in federal government spending (paid for by tax revenue) to provide a decent health care system for ordinary Americans. Whether this constitutes a universal health care scheme or simply the government paying private health insurance is debatable. Most on the right would see this as a radical, almost socialist alternative and try to portray it as such... yet polls have consistently shown that ordinary Americans would respond very well to a federally run universal health system.

All I'm trying to say is that the current lefty blogosphere is not as radical as you might think it is, and yet is far more powerful than you give it credit for.

6:10 PM  
Blogger The Flomblog said...

Ah wrabkin - I believe tht whaat you are saying is:

From each according to his ability to each according to his need

That does sound magnificant, but what about incentive? If I can't leave an estate to my kids, but have the government dictate what I do with it, why work so darn hard?

The beauty of capitalism is that it spurs incentive. Rich people buy more stuff, people make and sell stuff,everyone does nicely. But simplistic you will say? To which I will reply? "Ever hear of Occams Razor?"

3:11 PM  
Blogger Neil Cameron (One Salient Oversight) said...

Just letting everyone know that I have no intention of stopping my commenting or reading on this site - it's actually one of the few places on the internet where I engage with those on the opposite end of the political spectrum.

I'll say this again - if you make comments be prepared to have a blog site that people can check on. Flomblog has one and so does cab - good on those two for being brave and letting others see who they are.

8:36 PM  
Blogger The Flomblog said...

Oversight - Thank you.

I am personally in an unusual situation. I teach college in the same state as Ward Churchill. That situation has made me evaluate myself greatle.

Without going OT too much, I generally believe that if my ideas are so weak that I need to enforce them by punishing undergrads who disagree with me, or by bellicosity on the web, then my belief system is not of any value. I enjoy, greatly enjoy, respectful discussion with those who have a different world view from me.

I thank Carol for providing this forum


7:42 AM  
Blogger COPioneer said...

Salient, sorry, I don't have time to write my own blog, and yes, I suppose I do enjoy a little anonymity because frankly, there are a lot of crazy people in this world.

Flomblog, I too am in Colorado, and my family has been here since the early 1870s. The Federal Govts. main and possibly ONLY job should be to provide a military to protect our borders. And then they should protect the Constitution and leave the rest to the states...we need to SIMPLIFY and get rid of frivilous law suits...that would help.

Dixie Chicks - canceling venues due to lack of ticket sales.

Ann Coulter - #1 seller on amazon.

9:05 AM  
Blogger The Flomblog said...

Mr. Wrabkin

I do believe that Marx was the original author of that statement, I might be wrong. Can you cite the source?


When you draw a line, n matter where the line is drawn, the concept has been put in place - It might be $5,000,000, today, but what will it be tomorow?

Also, I do believ e that you are mixing metaphors. I was talking strictly about taxation. Not consumer defense. Lets leave that for another session.

12:10 PM  
Blogger The Flomblog said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

12:11 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

I thought about starting a Web Log. Well, actually, I have one: Fatman's Corner. But I've never done anything with it.

First, I don't have the time.

Second, to be honest, there are so many good blogs already, I don't think I'd add anything worth anyone else's time.

Third, if I did actively blog, I would more than likely spend my energies on non-political stuff. You guys probably wouldn't be interested.

Fourth, I'm lazy. Comments are easy. Someone else picks the subject. All I have to do is offer my opinion, right or wrong.

As for anonymity, what's wrong with that? Does it invalidate points made? If I'm a ditch digger would you take me more or less seriously? If I'm a professor do I get your approval or your disdain? If I'm a paid Party mole does that make my arguments null and void?

12:11 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

"...but I think he is the greatest we have ever had..."

Amber. Please.

5:18 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

Amber, seriously, put down the glue.

He is a reckless, stubborn fool who has led us, balls a'clacking, into the briar patch. UNNECESSARILY AND AT ENORMOUS EXPENSE.

And that's putting it kindly.

9:04 PM  

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