Carol Platt Liebau: Christian teaching = Hate speech?

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Christian teaching = Hate speech?

It's happened in Sweden and in Canada. And now, as John Templeton points out, people espousing traditional Christian doctrine are being prosecuted for stating their views (albeit, so far, unsuccessfully).

There's no place in America for "hate speech." But there's likewise no place for persecuting -- or prosecuting -- people who are advocating the long-held tenets of a religious faith, simply because the message may be unappealing, or even offensive, to some of those who hear them.


Blogger Greg said...

Christian teaching does not equal hate speech; remember these people hate the SIN, not the SINNER. Theirs is a message full of love and compassion.

It's GOD who hates fags, as Reverend Phelps and his clan are attempting to point out when they show up at military funerals. By all means, Carol, let the message be delivered.

8:11 AM  
Blogger eLarson said...

Reverend Phelps
If you are referring to Fred Phelps of the Westboro Little House o' Hate somewhere in Kansas... there is NOTHING reverend about the man.

1:16 PM  

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