Carol Platt Liebau: A Little Perspective . . .

Monday, October 03, 2005

A Little Perspective . . .

Thanks to Lorie Byrd over at PoliPundit for some good common sense.

I would reiterate: Everyone needs to take a breath. There is no reason to believe that President Bush cares less about appointing an originalist justice than we do -- after all, it's his legacy.

It's hard to do. It's disappointing. I understand all the frustration -- I, too, have worked and hoped and prayed for a 55-seat majority so that we can put through Luttigs, Joneses, or Alitos. But let's just wait and see.


Blogger SantaBarbarian said...

Carol -

Why would any woman want to have an originalist on board the Supremes? It would mean that only landowning men would be able to vote.

I don't take you as self loathing, so I am wondering why you would do that to yourself..and us.

6:11 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

I think Katrina and Rita have not only damaged Bush politically but have made him rethink the failures inherent in the policy decisions he has made over the past 5 years. If Bush's choice of Mier is one of a moderate (and we're only speculating at this point). It is because he's personally and politically stung by the post Katrina charges that his administration is uncaring and hostile to huge segments of the population. Bush overreached just like we stupid liberals predicted. He went too far in pleasing his ultra-conservative base. He is finally realizing that it is political suicide for him to continue to do so. I almost wished he picked an extreme conservative. It would have ignited a fight he doesn't have the political muscle to win and would ultimately have benefited democrats. Conservative Commentator William Kristol is correct when he said "surely this is a pick from weakness"

6:25 PM  
Blogger Matt Brinkman said...

Draino and Cookie Jill, please calm down the rhetoric. The President has taken the advice of a multiple Democratic Senators and spurned the Right Wing to nominate a consensus candidate.

Here we were afraid of a Luttig, an Alito, or a Rogers-Brown, and the President has nominated someone more moderate than Alberto Gonzales. (The last according to an unnamed RNC staffer.) Senators Reid, Schumer, and Leahy are all comfortable with this choice.

7:36 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Boy between getting my comments deleted and people telling me what to say - one would almost think we didn't have free speech in this country! However, I stand by my comments and won't apologize for them. Mr. Twister, speak for yourself. You can pat Bush on the back all you want. I, for one, am not afraid of Luttig or Alito but I believe (as many conservative commentators have argued) that Bush was. Bush hasn't done me any favors with this nominee and you'll exuse me if, with no expereince otherwise, I fail to believe Bush is doing democrats, liberals or an angry electorate, any favors either. He's doing what he, as a politically injured lame duck, must. If you don't agree, terrific but don't tell me not to.

9:07 AM  
Blogger Matt Brinkman said...

Aw, come on, draino. If you've read any of my other comments, you know that you, I, and cookie jill are all batting for the same team. I thought you would recognize that the tears I was shedding for the conservatives here were of the crocodilian variety.

Schadenfreude can be such a beautiful thing.

6:27 PM  

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