Carol Platt Liebau: Key Developments in MO

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Key Developments in MO

Senator Jim Talent has received the endorsement of the Missouri African American firefighters.

"Although most of the membership of F.L.A.M.E. has been active in supporting Democrats, we believe that Jim Talent is deserving of our support for his accomplishments, not only for black firefighters, but for the African American community as a whole," said Airest Wilson, President of F.L.A.M.E. "In the past, the black firefighters reached out to Claire McCaskill and her Auditor’s office and she did nothing. Jim Talent has always been accessible to us."

In the meantime, Claire McCaskill appeared on

Here's an excerpt that shows her complete and utter unfitness to serve as a U.S. Senator:

WALLACE: But, Mrs. McCaskill, President Bush says for all of your criticism, the Democrats don't have a plan for Iraq at all. Your idea is to redeploy U.S. troops out of Iraq over the next two years.

What happens if, as we begin to pull the troops out, the terrorists step up their campaign of violence?

MCCASKILL: Well, first of all, it is chaos right now. And the problem is the Taliban in Afghanistan really faces — really presents more of a threat to our country than the Sunni shooting the Shia and the Shia shooting each other.

She just doesn't get it. We're not in Iraq simply to prevent "the Sunni shooting the Shia and the Shia shooting each other," we're there to make sure that (1) it doesn't become a terrorist launching pad a la Afghanistan pre-9/11; (2) to build a functioning democracy in the Middle East to demonstrate to disaffected would-be jihadis the benefits of freedom; and (3) to have an ally in a region increasingly threatened by Iran.

To imagine that the threat posed to Afghanistan by the Taliban is somehow different than the threat posed to Iraq by Al Qaeda in Iraq is either stupid or disingenuous. Likewise, it's ludicrous that McCaskill thinks it's a novel strategy to inform the Iraq government that America won't stay forever -- does she really think that message hasn't been conveyed?

Someone with such a lack of understanding about the stakes in the war on terror simply can't be trusted with power.


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