Carol Platt Liebau: The Benefit of the Doubt

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Benefit of the Doubt

It's amazing to watch the MSM extend to John Kerry the benefit of the doubt when it comes to his "botched joke" about American soldiers.

Here's Newsweek:

Kerry tried to get on top of the problem. He explained convincingly that he had simply "botched" the line. He was supposed to say, ". . .you get us stuck in Iraq.” As in Bush.

Really? Rather than saying "If you . . . do your homework, you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq," he meant to tell students that if they don't study hard, they can become President and make what Kerry judges to be a poor foreign policy decision (even though he voted for the invasion)? That's not "convincing," Newsweek -- that's ridiculous.

As Newsweek does point out, Kerry didn't produce the text of his speech immediately afterwards. Coincidence?

Obviously not. The most generous interpretation of his remarks would be that Kerry was offering a cautionary tale: If you work hard, you can do well. If not, you end up with the short end of the stick. If that's the case, of course, then he still misspoke by throwing in the "be smart" -- which forces the notion that those in Iraq are, in fact the antithesis of smart. Even so, it's a more realistic explanation than all the "botched joke" foolishness.

It's amazing to watch the press cover for him.


Blogger BobsAdvice said...

Read the entire speech. Listen to the speech he made and you will see that he was referring to the President and not troops. He never mentioned troops or soldiers but did mention the President in the immediately preceding line. In reality, both this Administration and the soldiers who bravely serve it are often stuck in Iraq, stuck in the Green Zone, stuck due to stop-loss plans and repeat tours of duty. Senator Kerry has worked hard to support soldiers and veterans. It is not supporting our troops to send them to an endless war to die. No matter how you spin it.

Kerry has been actively campaigning for veterans this election when he hit his flub. He has campaigned for Webb, for Murphy, and he has campaigned for Duckworth among other Veterans.

To believe that he doesn't support soldiers, and doesn't support Veterans is simply wrong.

6:23 PM  
Blogger Ruth Anne Adams said...

Bobsadvice: Even if I grant your explanation, Kerry still displays a pitying attitude toward our all volunteer armed forces. I believe they're worthy of respect, admiration and praise. NOT pity.

7:19 PM  
Blogger Marshal Art said...

I don't need to read his entire speech to know that he doesn't get it regarding the war. Kerry has worked hard to support his own image of himself, and in that he still fails miserably. He's a laughingstock who is scaring his own party. What he should have told the kids is: If you don't do well in school (like he didn't) then you'll lose a major election to someone you think is stupid.

11:42 PM  
Blogger West Coast Awakening said...

John Kerry's slip of the tongue is easily explained by something Jesus said - "Out of the heart the mouth speaks."

8:21 AM  
Blogger eLarson said...

Look, Kerry is a dullard.

He's always been a dullard, and when "dullard" meets "elitist" you've got the ingredients for outraging the rest of America.

Face it: the Dems should have had him in the same "witness protection program" that "Sweet Deal" Reid and San Fran Gran Nan Pelosi have been in.

They failed to wrap him up in time, and he spoke. When he spoke he reminded America of the John Kerry who dumped on his fellow servicemen in 1971.

8:25 AM  

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