Carol Platt Liebau: The Best They Can Do?

Friday, January 06, 2006

The Best They Can Do?

Here is supposedly the big Democratic surprise -- that Alito belonged to the Concerned Alumni of Princeton.

The issue has been discussed on this site here and here.

As I've said before, I remember no sexist or racist overtones to CAP, circa 1985. That being said, even if, arguendo, there were some members of that group who held those repugnant views, that doesn't mean that the organization was based on them -- or that Alito shared them.

One final question -- do the Democrats really want to go down this road? Think of all the wacky, way out of the mainstream ideas purveyed by some members of the ACLU. They didn't stop Ruth Bader Ginsburg from being confirmed . . .

If the Democrats want to compare the fringe in left-wing groups vs. the fringe in right-wing groups, well, bring it on. No one will end up looking very good. But trust me -- their wackos are no more attractive than ours are.

Update: As one of my valued readers wrote in an email, "Good thing Alito hadn't joined the KKK: then he would be associated with [Supreme Court Justice] Hugo Black and [sitting U.S. Senator] Robert Byrd [(D-WV)]."


Blogger The Flomblog said...

I can see the MSM hadline now --

Was Alito in the KKK -- discussed by Carol Platt Liebow

8:28 PM  
Blogger Matt Brinkman said...

From the Wall Street Journal Online 1/4/2006 comes some further grist for the mill...

"Almost equal thirds of all adults believe that Judge Alito should be confirmed (34%), should not be confirmed (31%) or say they aren't sure (34%), according to the poll. A majority of Republicans (65% vs. 9%) favor his confirmation, the polls shows, while a plurality of Democrats (48% vs. 14%) oppose it, and Independents are split (34% for confirmation; 38% against)."

Tying this back to Carol's origianl post, I wonder how that 34% is going to break when they find out Alito was a member of a misogynistic racist organization?*

*Yeah I know I'm reaching here. The WSJ poll numbers have nothing to do with Carol's post--I just thought they were interesting numbers.

9:30 PM  
Blogger Matt Brinkman said...

Carol writes, "One final question -- do the Democrats really want to go down this road?"

During the last election cycle we saw Republican smears slamming Democrats by linking them to DailyKos, which they claimed supported terrorism. We had the RNC release a web ad that linked John Kerry to Adolf Hitler.

So I guess the real quesation is -- Given that Republicans are going down this road are the Democrats willing to fight fire with fire?

9:40 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

Exactly, Mr. Twister. Listening to the amnesiacs around here, you'd think Dems invented the baseless smear.

3:47 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

Excuse me, Flipper, but did you just advocate closing the public schools only seconds after saying it was a baseless accusation that Republicans want to do that?


8:55 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

I will not defend spending two weeks learning about John Lennon, if that is indeed what her teacher did. But that is the typical tactic of your type: find some anecdote that "proves" liberals are the root of all evil. In this case...liberals = lousy public schools teaching kids about some (I can see you mouthing the words "pinko Commie") musician.


Turning things around, do you think the proliferation of automatic weapons in this country is appropriate? That is as much, if not more, the progeny of your party's deep wet kiss with the NRA as the liberal/public school/Lennon thing.

And since closing the public schools is the natural cure for your daughter's lazy teacher, then I assume you're willing to concede that getting rid of all guns is the answer to the abuses over in that department?

7:07 PM  

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