Carol Platt Liebau: Breathtaking Idiocy

Friday, January 06, 2006

Breathtaking Idiocy

So the DNC has created an ad comparing President Bush to President Nixon, based on the stories about the NSA wireless intercepts.

The idiocy of this strategy is, thankfully, breathtaking. Perhaps Debra Saunders put it best:

Angry leftists are so hysterical that they cannot distinguish between government agents eavesdropping on a president's political enemies, and the data mining of international phone calls in an earnest effort to thwart another Sept. 11 terrorist attack. They don't see that Bush, rather then trying to hide his role in the effort, signed off on the program more than 30 times.

They also don't see that they are driving home for the American people the fact that Democrats cannot be trusted with national security -- because they simply aren't serious about it.

I am grateful for the caliber of our political adversaries.


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