Carol Platt Liebau: "America's Secret Weapon"

Monday, December 05, 2005

"America's Secret Weapon"

An excellent piece from The American Thinker today quite properly characterizes Wal-Mart as "America's secret weapon."

As I've said before, a lot of the anti-Wal-Mart propaganda is more than coincidentally related to the fact that it isn't unionized.


Blogger Greg said...

The anti-Wal-Mart "propaganda" stems from the fact that it exemplifies what is going on in this country with regard to corporations and their responsibilities to their employees, their communities, and the government that provides them with a fertile economic environment. Wal-Mart has abdicated all of these.

I am sure that in the bubble in which you reside someone who works forty hours a week makes enough to pay for housing, food, clothing, insurance, transportation, education, AND entertainment. Well, you've never worked at Wal-Mart or anywhere else paying at or near the minimum wage. Did you know that since the last minimum wage increase, average CEO pay in this country has QUADRUPLED? Did you know that a single mother of two earning the minimum wage, full-time, lives below the poverty line? Do you care?

While WM continues to keep wages as low as possible they, like many a company, also continue to whittle away at employee benefits wherever possible. Reduced (or no) insurance benefits mean more money for them to lobby Congress to make sure they continue to get tax breaks for their monstrous stores that suck the marrow out of small downtowns across America.

This would all be a little more palatable if the government would step up and increase the safety net for the working poor who are forced onto Medicaid and food stamps. But no, Republicans in Congress continue to slash those funds too, under the guise of "fiscal conservatism," while turning around and giving more money than was saved by those cuts back to the Walton family.

Low prices. At what cost? Free enterprise. At what cost? Higher stock prices. At what cost?

The chasm between the richest and poorest Americans widens, and those of us pointing it out are neither socialists nor un-American. We simply know what has happened to every great society the world has known when such an enormous chasm grows unchecked.

10:26 AM  

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