Carol Platt Liebau

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Shocking! DNC Chairman Howard Dean isn't raising money at a pace to rival the Republicans.

Could rhetoric like this have anything to do with it?

Or maybe, as Byron York's piece here explores, the Democrats are obsessed with getting a better "message."

Don't get me wrong -- there have been times when I've criticized Republicans less for the substance of their message than for its style. Even so, after the stinging defeats the Democrats have suffered (with plenty of money, a mobilized base, and a compliant "mainstream" media), it's hard to believe that sensible people could conclude that the problem is words, not meaning.

It's not surprising, in York's piece, to read that Hillary Clinton appears to agree with the "wording" theory. She's playing with words when it comes to her stand on abortion. But the problem is this: When she runs for President, whatever her supposed "empathy" for pro-lifers, actions will speak louder than words.

That's always the case. And that's why any theory that Democrats are losing -- not because of what they say, but because of how they're saying it -- is doomed to failure. The facts are the facts -- and the American people aren't stupid.


Blogger SantaBarbarian said...

Carol - Most politicians, either right or left, deal with "words" as opposed to "meaning"....

classic case in point "read my new taxes."

7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the case of Mr. Dean, I think both the message and the messenger are are the cause. I just don't believe that the majority of the Democratic party fall within the jurisdiction of the Dean Nation. They know that the outlook for the Senate is structurally bleak in 2006/8 and having Mr. Moderate insult half of the country every time he opens his mouth is not likely to open their wallets.

Adding injury to insult is the likely prospect of Mr. Dean actually opening the wallets of Republican voters with his rhetoric.

8:13 AM  
Blogger Mr.Atos said...

I see Howard 'Syndrome' Dean is at it again.

The Democrats have no problem with 'words.' It is what those words represent that is the problem, because for them there is no substance. It shows every time they try to fake a message. Both Hillary and Dean are looking for the 'right' rhetoric to lure Conservative voters... like rats to a Piper playing the alluring tune. But, in the end its like Bizarro pretending to be Superman. The substance has to match the message and a superhero that wrecks trains instead of saving them is simply not considered 'super','incredible,' nor a 'hero.'

As I said over at my blog...

Need I remind anyone that this man was a popular Presidential Candidate in the 2004 Election Campaign? This man intended to represent the Nation as its chief executive. He was the Governor of Vermont, and he was selected overwhelmingly by his party to represent them as their party chairman. I didn't have to be at the rally to know that he recieved the roar of approving applause for that divisive, hyperbolic and vitriolic statement. Nor do I need to read or hear anymore from Mr. Dean to recognize a profound similarity between he and George Galloway. No doubt, Dean too supports the 'Galloway Doctrine'... as then does the American Democrat Party by representative proxy. It might be a question worth asking, both of him and of yourself if you are a Democrat. Because what is being Left does not value amicability, and solidarity. What is being Left manipulates divisions, thrives on derision, and perpetuates bigotry, fear, and anger to cultivate political power via civil destruction.

Its a message that makes people of virtue (both Liberal and Conservative) cringe in disgust.

Keep talking, "Buddy!"

3:41 PM  

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