Carol Platt Liebau: Now Howard Dean Needs To Apologize

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Now Howard Dean Needs To Apologize

[Posted by Lorie Byrd and crossposted at Wizbang.]

Tom Elia says Howard Dean needs to be called on this dishonest statement he made when he was defending John Kerry's "blooper":
"I think there's a lot of similarities between Nixon and Agnew and Bush and Cheney," Dean said. "They're both using the IRS for political purposes. They're both spying on people they don't like and not just terrorists, but also American citizens. Neither one of them particularly believes in judicial rights. They've both been dishonest with the American people."
Using the IRS for political purposes? Has Dean ever taken a look at the list of people audited during the Clinton years? It read like a "Who's Who" of the vast right wing conspiracy. Spying on people they don't like? Some proof, please, Mister Chairman of the DNC Dean.

I know it is distracting and strange to have so much of the activity in these final days of the campaigns swirling around those not actually running for office, but these statements, particularly accusations like this one, need to be addressed. When the former presidential candidate for the Democrats and the head of the DNC make comments like they have this week, it tells voters something about the party as a whole. This is not just a single congressman that represents one district. These are people chosen by Democrats to present their message to the world, and that appears to be exactly what they are doing.


Blogger Marshal Art said...

Unfortunately, Dean and his ilk are too goofy to understand their mistakes, much less apologize for them. When they do realize their mistakes, they are unable to apologize without some lame qualifier attached. Low class people never apologize and mean it.

But I do believe they should have their feet held to the fire and made to answer in some way. Prove them allegations Howie! Repeated calls for such would force them to act. They'd either tap dance in a way that embarasses their constituents, or compound their lies and scare the hell out of their constituents. Either way is fine with me.

6:19 PM  

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