Carol Platt Liebau: An Important Message

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

An Important Message

Robert Novak reports that RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman has warned Congressional Republicans that the elections ahead look ugly.

Apparently, there's a plan to highlight the Democrats as being "dangerous" -- which is true. The problem is that it's not enough. The Republicans need more than to stand against someone . . . they need to stand for something.

They also need to remember that there's more at stake than their own individual seats -- most especially, the course of the war on terror and President Bush's ability to do his job. So perhaps, keeping this in mind, they can put their own petty differences aside and get it together for the good of the country.


Blogger Poison Pero said...

If only this pipedream would come true.

Unfortunately we are stuck with pigs who care more about themselves than the good of the nation......Unfortunately as well, these pigs will be replaced by even larger, more rapacious oinkers.

11:29 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

I think the Republican Party has the better argument on almost every issue. What drives me MAD is that they seem afraid of the debate. I realize they have to fight extra hard to get their message through the liberal media filter. But that's no excuse for wimping out and not forcefully making their case.


I almost never have a problem with the Word Verification function.

10:48 AM  
Blogger Marshal Art said...


Refuting total fabrications and fantasy gets tedious, but I'll give it a go.

On Iraq. Keep doing what HAS been working, though not neccessarily to YOUR warped notions, or even to many other people's, but working nonetheless. The main point is the fight against a real and obvious evil, but libs like yourself are incapable of understanding such terms.

On taxes. Cut taxes for everybody, even though yahoos like wrabkin are fixated on the wealthy out of their shameful greed and envy. Though a small percentage can save them more than wrabkin makes in a year, the fact that they earn their wealth is lost on the hapless lib, who thinks all the wealthy inherited their dough. As such, they are entitled to keep as much of their own money as everybody else. The only way this impacts the poor is that it eventually spurs the economy which provides more opportunity for everyone.

On the environment. The idea is usually to eliminate or reduce burdensome regs that often are overkill and without merit. They also realize that the market can spur the neccessary changes in products that will help the environment and stimulate growth at the same time. Libs prefer to heap regs on corporations to appear as if they are fighting a corporate behemoth on behalf of the little guy while at the same time saving the earth. What really happens is people lose jobs.

Immigration. Enforce existing laws, secure the borders, and send illegal trespassers back to get in line. Meanwhile, we welcome people of any color who enters legally and more so, when they come here to be Americans.

Iran. Republicans are aware of the danger posed by yet another Middle Eastern wackjob despot and have the stones to do something about it instead of pretending that it's possible to reason with a madman.

SS and Medicare. The GOP realizes they are worthless and in need of serious changes. They have the stones to do something tangible. The libs use this to lie about how the right hates old people.

On freedom of religion. We're all for it. That's truly the long and short of it, but the lib supported ACLU and other wackjob groups hate religions, Christianity in particular, and religion in the public square most of all, as it reminds them of just how morally corrupt they are.

On gas prices. As if the left isn't pandering on this issue as well. The idea here is for both sides to butt out and let the market handle it. Of course removing some of those burdensome fuel taxes wouldn't hurt. Which lib proposed that?

On morality and family values. The left has lost it's moral compass and can't understand what those words mean anymore. When reminded by the right, they cry in shame as it forces them to look in the mirror and they can't stand it.

On corruption. We on the right wait for proof and convictions. Until then, they're by and large, less corrupt than the left.

On judges. We look for those that understand the law and don't make 'em up as they go like lib judges do. We look for those that understand that Congress makes the laws and judges interpret them.

What ideas have the left come up with? Schumer said we'd hear their ideas in early '06. Now it's May and there's been nothing. The left have no ideas.

11:39 PM  

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