Carol Platt Liebau: Unintentionally Revealing Praise

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Unintentionally Revealing Praise

Here is an entertaining story from the LA Times, quoting former Alito law clerks and judicial colleagues who assert -- gasp! -- that he "doesn't have an agenda" and "is openminded and fair."

One former colleague on the Third Circuit has stated that Alito "is an honest conservative judge who believes in judicial restraint and judicial deference."

All of this praise is very kind, and most welcome. But the tone of breathless astonishment that permeates the article is, perhaps, unintentially revealing. Apparently, there are people who are surprised that it's possible to be conservative and intellectually honest and not results-oriented -- and all at the same time, too!

Who knew? Well, conservatives did. That's the kind of judge we've been wanting all along.


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