Carol Platt Liebau: Hillary, Hillary, Hillary!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Hillary, Hillary, Hillary!

Here, Victor Davis Hanson writes on the very obvious "transformation" of Hillary Clinton into a centrist-seeming populist.

It will be interesting to see whether her very obvious political shifts will be enough to convince Americans to sign on for another term of Clinton Follies in The White House.

Tim Cavanaugh of Reason magazine doesn't think so, and I tend to agree with him. He points out, quite rightly, that Hillary simply isn't likable. Don't underestimate the importance of a good Q rating.

Moreover, Hillary simply isn't a very good "on her feet" politician. Her gestures -- especially the open-mouthed-smile-with-point-and-wave -- come off as artificial, and when left to her own political devices, the results are ugly (ranging from the HillaryCare debacle to the "tea and cookies" remark).

People point with awe to her success in New York. How much credit should we give to a liberal -- whose husband was in The White House and clearly calling in money and favors for her -- who was able to be elected in New York? It's like praising John Kerry's formidable political skills in being able to remain the senator from Massachusetts all these years.

And in a presidential race, Hillary won't benefit from the hands-off treatment afforded her in her Senate race. The press may be liberal, but they're also bloodthirsty . . . and it's hard to take a powder in a presidential race -- especially in the era of talk radio and fair-and-balanced Fox News.

I say, bring her on.


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