Carol Platt Liebau: Unity in Adversity

Monday, July 03, 2006

Unity in Adversity

It's an ill, ill wind that blows no one any good. As John Podhoretz pointed out, between the New York Times' publishing perfidy and the Hamden decision, the last several days may turn out to be seminal moments in reuniting a conservative and Republican coalition that was fraying dangerously over everything from runaway spending to illegal immigration.

Indeed, the much-heralded "rebuke" of five justices to President Bush will be long forgotten by the autumn, when Democratic legislators will face an interesting choice as elections loom: Sign on to legislation providing President Bush with everything he wants in terms of military commissions (and thereby implicitly admit that his view does not, in fact, conflict with American principles and law); or else be tarred as fellow travelers with the justices who believe that men like Osama bin Laden and Mohammed Atta are explicitly entitled to the protections of the Geneva Conventions.


Blogger The Flomblog said...

Ok, I'm trying to just read and stay quiet - But I can't hold it in any more

1. Torture - We made them stay up all night? We made them wear panties on their heads? How many did we dismember? How many rape rooms did we run. How many people did we gas? Oh yes the incidents at the two infamous prisons. Perhaps a person died. Check with Berg's parents. Check with the families of the two unfortunate soldiers that just were dismembered.

OK perhaps as many as 20 americans MIGHT have performed unlawful acts - for which they are being tried. Lets do a little math - Conservatiely 200,000 troops have been involved. 20 might have broken the UCMJ's. that is 1 in 10,000 again conservatively. And they will be punished if they are guilty.

Compare that to the enemies Search and rescue techniques - Hanging people from a bridge. Shooting into a river when there was a possibly that an airplane had gone down. They are animals -- but we continue to try and treat them fairly.

I compare our troops against the men and women that I served with in Vietnam - I proudly say that they are better trained, better equipped, have better morale and are better led than we were. We are furtunate to hvae these fine young men and women in our armed forces. G-d bless them all!

Mr. Wrabkin and crowd - You and your ilk treated us like crap when we came home. You and your ilk spit on us, called us names and caused a deepset anger that will only heal with our death.

Yes, I consider you a traitor, and unlike you, I would gladly say that to your face. I do not hide behind a pseudonym. My blog is out there as is my name and email address.

You sir are a coward.

Carol - please forgive the anger.

5:35 PM  
Blogger Matt Brinkman said...

The United States of America was the primary driver of the Geneva accords, because America used to be against torture. Standing four-square against torture and for the dignity of each individual used to be an American value. That is the choice--does the United State of America stand for human rights and human dignity or do we devolve to the level of the terrorists?

Sadly, on Independence Day we must add The Flomblog into the roster of people who think the torture is an American value.

As a personal aside to The Flomblog, I didn't spit on you when you got home. I have been exceedingly clear in posts to you and others that I am grateful for and honor your service to our country. I do find it reprehensible, however, that you hide behind your military service to defend torture and to call dissent treasonous. You dishonor your uniform by using it to promote torture and fascism.

7:24 AM  
Blogger Greg said...

Wrabkin says:

"... I'm really sorry someone spit on you when you came home, even though there isn't a single documented case of this happening. I'm sure you believe it happened, and if that makes you feel better about yourself, then God bless you. And if you choose to cherish your anger for more than 30 years, then I'm truly sorry for you. What a sad, pathetic life. ..."

So, let me get this straight:

1. I'm sorry you were spit on
2. But you really weren't
3. I'm sure you believe you were, though
4. You are bitter, sad, and pathetic

I'd say, Wrabkin, you just SPIT on Flomblog.

Happy Independence Day for those who love and appreciate America!

For those on the left, I hope you can endure this day of knuckle-dragging, bone-headed, ignorant nationalism.

9:52 AM  
Blogger Greg said...

Oh, and by the way, Wrabkin:

"... does not alter the more important fact that this is not a tyranny, ..."

Thanks for finally admitting this. Can we now expect you to drop this ridiculous liberal talking point in future threads?

10:18 AM  
Blogger eLarson said...

7 terrorists killed, none detained. No coalition forces lost.

They were saved from certain weight gain at GTMO.

2:18 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

"Sounds like eLarson just had another orgasm."

I think he and Pete are on the phone reading the story to each other. Thankfully, we only caught larson's end of the "conversation," as I shudder to think of Pete's epithet-laced orgasm yell.

10:24 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

Sure killed your mood, though. Didn't it, Ditto & Duke?


"They were saved from certain weight gain at GTMO. "

Well said!

6:57 AM  
Blogger eLarson said...

Oh, ditto... you make funny. For you, I guess, that's funny. Nice try, though.

Congratulations to our forces in the field on a job well done.

7:23 AM  
Blogger eLarson said...

Did McNamara mention why he felt the war was unwinnable?

10:37 AM  
Blogger eLarson said...

It would seem, for instance, that Cronkite told an outright lie that we had lost as a result of the Tet Offensive. (Really? We kicked their butts all over South Vietnam.)

What I was wondering if the "Well if we've lost Cronkite, we've lost the nation" sentiment had crept into McNamara's thinking.

12:21 PM  

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