Carol Platt Liebau: What a Guy

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

What a Guy

So Al Gore is declining to endorse Joe Lieberman in his reelection bid, on the grounds that he doesn't endorse in primaries (he's conveniently forgotten the whole Howad Dean debacle, apparently). What a guy. It's not like Lieberman has changed in essentials from the man he was when Gore chose him as a running mate in 2000.

So what happened? Did a grown man (Gore) change his views that much in that short a time? Or was his decision to choose Lieberman a purely political one -- he was so eager to win and so opportunistic that he'd select a man he fundamentally disagreed with to take over if something happened to him? Or is he being opportunistic now -- so eager not to upset the crazy netroots that he's willing to throw his erstwhile running mate overboard?

Whatever the explanation, it doesn't say anything too good about Al Gore.


Blogger Righty64 said...

The reason you are seeing cretins like Al Gore throwing true patriots like Senator Lieberman overboard is because the Democratic party is being taken ovet by radical socialists. We can not even call them liberals any longer. Look at what Mr. Gore says we should do to stop "global warming." Accept the Kyoto Protocals while Red China and India do not have to. That would give thir economies a jump start to catch and overtake ours. We will become nothing more than a warmed over creaking economy like any of the European nations. Men like Mr. Gore are disengenious at beat and trators at their worst.

10:29 PM  
Blogger Matt Brinkman said...

Yeah, I remember back in 1998 when Ronald Wilson Reagan refused to endorse George H.W. Bush in the Republican primaries.

So, Carol, Did a grown man (Reagan) change his views that much in that short a time? Or was his decision to choose Bush a purely political one -- he was so eager to win and so opportunistic that he'd select a man he fundamentally disagreed with to take over if something happened to him?

Oh hypocrisy, your name is Platt-Liebau.

7:13 AM  
Blogger COPioneer said...

I have to semi-agree with some of the left-wing nuts here...I think it's fine for them to change their views. There are good reasons to change views sometimes. Politicians don't like to do it, because they get tarred and feathered with fun quotes like "I voted for the war, before I voted against it!"...that one is priceless.

8:29 AM  
Blogger Matt Brinkman said...

Pete wrote, "I personally think it was the backroom power makers who decided for Reagan who his VP would be."

OK, fine. So that leaves us with three options (according to Pete and Carol).

Ronald Wilson Reagan was a flip-flopper.

Ronald Wilson Reagan was an opportunistic political hack.


Ronald Wilson Reagan was a puppet of "backroom power makers."

I think I have to agree with Carol--Whatever the explanation, it doesn't say anything too good about the Gipper.

10:37 AM  
Blogger Greg said...

I like exactly ONE of Lieberman's policies:

He wants America to WIN the war!

1:46 PM  
Blogger COPioneer said...

Kill the islamofascists where they stand. Before they kill us.

If this were June 6th, 1944, the left wing would have started learning German instead of fighting for freedom.

8:19 AM  

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