Carol Platt Liebau: Better Than It's Seemed?

Monday, June 19, 2006

Better Than It's Seemed?

Michael Barone points out that things may not have been as bad for the President as they looked until last week. With respect to the upcoming elections, polls are bad at predicting turnout -- and turnout is what made the difference for the President (and his party) in 2004.

Moreover, the Republicans have to run against someone -- and luckily for them, it' s the Democrats. Here, Joe Klein's distinction between a referendum and choice when it comes to elections becomes useful. Dems want to frame it as the former, Republicans as the latter.

Luckily, it is the latter -- and we're dealing with a party that actually tries to claim it's got a plan even as it ignores the two hottest issues of the day: The war in Iraq and illegal immigration. No wonder the support for Democrats has dropped seven points in the last month.


Blogger Greg said...


You're not paying attention.

We're actually WINNING the War in Iraq. Even Zarqawi thinks so.

Oops, thought so.

You leftists have sunk beyond even your Viet Nam days. Then you wanted to declare victory and come home. Now you want to declare defeat and come home.

1:49 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

This is the reason the Democrats will NOT take over the House or the Senate or the Presidency any time soon:

Democrats see the difficulties (and tragedies) associated with war and decide they can't pay the price no matter what the goal is - if they even recognize what the goal is in the first place. Then they label all who disagree as brutal war criminals - even the military men and women risking their lives for love of country.

Republicans compare the value of the goal to the price that must be paid to achieve it. If the goal is worth the price, they will pay it realizing all the while the tragedy of the loss of even a single life.

Democrats will cut and run.

Republicans will fight and win.

8:41 AM  

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