Carol Platt Liebau: The Ever-Consistent John Kerry

Friday, June 16, 2006

The Ever-Consistent John Kerry

So John Kerry is at it again. One of the most opportunistic "military men" in American history, he's back at his old game of declaring wars unwinnable and calling for American retreat.

Let's see. Kerry did the same thing in the wake of Vietnam. Then, maintaining the anti-war colors that had worked in bringing him to prominence, he voted against the Gulf War, to his political detriment. Having learned his lesson, he voted for the Iraq war (and then voted for an appropriation before he voted against it). And now, in hot pursuit of nomination '08 and mindful of the influence of the rabidly anti-war leftist caucus, he's come full circle: Anti-war.

Even if one agreed with Kerry, how could you ever trust him? The only consistency in his political positions are that they're adopted to fit his own perceptions of political advantage. That's especially true when he's running a piece like the one linked above, after terrorists themselves have admitted that they're losing. the best week in Iraq in months. What -- he's worried that we won't withdraw before we win?

The Democrats made a Faustian bargain with Kerry the first time. Despite their more obvious affection for Dean, they chose Kerry to be their standard-bearer, hoping that his credentials with a veteran would make him credible on war issues. He let them down once (thankfully). Is anyone even taking him seriously on his second try?

Why can't this ego-driven opportunist just go away? At least Scrappleface has Kerry's number -- and that of the other, portly Massachusetts senator.


Blogger Matt Brinkman said...

All I know is when Bill Clinton left office, we had a $6 trillion surplus, gasoline cost half of what it does today, and there were two big ole towers in New York City that are big ole holes today.

Dodger, your party has had control over all three branches of government and for the past five years. How's that working out for you?

I'm not sure where all this hate of the last successful President comes from, but I do know that that you and Carol sound like whiny little babies complaining about the Democrats when your party control everything.

9:13 PM  

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