Carol Platt Liebau: Christmas is Back

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Christmas is Back

The mayor of a California city has erestored the original name of his local parade -- it's back to being the Christmas Parade.

And remember the PC mayor of Boston?Today, he, too, described the tree as a "Christmas tree."

Should those of the Jewish faith be upset? Rabbi Daniel Lapin doesn't think so.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Only a religion can stand up to another religion. Christianity could have defended France, but secularism wiped pushed Christianity into retreat. Now, Islamic fundamentalism has its way because there is nobody with moral fervor to resist. Secularism promotes cowardice, not courage and that is bad for everyone."

From Rabbi Lapin's blog. Very perceptive, I think. Falls into the "nature abhors a vacuum" category.

I also appreciate his seems so absurd to me that people claim to be offended by Christmas. Christmas is the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. Just because it's not _your_ birthday, does it mean you can't wish _me_ a "Happy Birthday" on _my_ birthday? Just because you're not Christian, does it mean you can't offer me an expression of hope that I'll have a good celebration of a particular day I hold dear? I certainly wish Jews I know a "Happy Hanukah". I don't celebrate it, but they do...what's the big deal?

The lack of logic baffles me..."Happy Holidays"...ok...all emcompassing. But _prohibit_ "Merry Christmas"? So what are people buying all those presents for? People are in favor of having an unnamed holiday with no purpose other than buying presents for others? Bizarre...!

9:38 AM  

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