Carol Platt Liebau: Why Would <i>Anyone</I> Trust This Messenger?

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Why Would Anyone Trust This Messenger?

Jonathan Chait needs to take a pill and relax. Last week, he trashed President Bush for supposedly being overly concerned with exercise. This week, he purports to tell us how the President thinks -- it's intuition over reason, and that ain't good.

This is the same Jonathan Chait, mind you, who published a piece in September of '03 in The New Republic (subscribers only) that began, "I hate President George W. Bush."

Why would The LA Times run this petty drivel by a compulsive and self-admitted Bush hater? Why would anyone believe that Jonathan Chait has some uniquely worthy insight on the way the President's mind works? And the piece isn't even good analysis -- it's just lowbrow invective. Would The Times have wasted its time (and op/ed page space) on insights into President Clinton's thinking by a self-admitted Clinton-hater -- someone who even admitted to hating the way the President walks (as Chait did)?

Too bad The Times can't find anyone else to write about anything else. Apparently.

Or else the Westside Bush haters need something to read as they savor their brie and (French) Chardonnay.


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