Carol Platt Liebau: Cuomo's Religious Test

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Cuomo's Religious Test

Here in Human Events, David Limbaugh does an excellent job of deconstructing Mario Cuomo's ridiculous performance on "Meet the Press".

One of the most offensive parts of Cuomo's appearance was, perhaps, this:

Everybody takes an oath to support the Constitution, including especially judges. So why not ask them: "Will you, Judge, apply a religious test to the Constitution? Will you start by saying, `I'm not going to support the Constitution if my pope tells me not to'?"

As my Hugh Hewitt Show co-host Peter Robinson pointed out, that's the same sort of slur that was purveyed against John Kennedy when he ran for President -- the insinuation that Catholics are going to be guided by the Pope, even in contravention of the laws of the land.

But what I love is the question, "Will you, Judge, apply a religious test to the Constitution?" Of course it sounds clever when intoned on TV (and how Cuomo loves his oratory and his cleverness!). But what does it actually mean? What example would Cuomo cite of a judge applying a religious test to the Constitution?

In any case, a religious test has already been applied to the Constitution -- by the Founding Fathers when they wrote it.


Blogger SantaBarbarian said...

Carol - according to BushCo's evangelical backers, Catholisism isn't the "correct" religion. According to them, Catholics aren't Christian are are going to hell along with the rest of us "other" religions....

The litmus test should not be what religion they are, but if they actually follow the preachings of their religion. With all these folks claiming to be Christian found to be lying, cheating, stealing, having affairs...doesn't seem to follow the Christian precepts, IMO.

I am looking forward to the day when we have a Buddhist President, myself.

10:54 AM  

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