Carol Platt Liebau

Monday, October 04, 2004

The message this morning about the Newsweek and Gallup/USA Today/CNN polls showing a dead heat between Bush and Kerry was "wait and see." We waited and saw -- and the news was good.

ABC News/Washington Post 51-46 Bush
Pew 49-44 Bush
Zogby 46-43 Bush

Let's think about this. The debate last Thursday represented Kerry's best opportunity to hit Bush with his best shot, coupled with a press corps all too willing to write a new narrative about a Kerry Komeback.

And once again the pundits were dazzled -- just as they were at the Dem Convention when Kerry saluted and "reported for duty." But now, as then, there hasn't been ANY bounce for Kerry. (There are numerous methodological problems with, for example, the Newsweek poll, which sampled over the weekend -- which tends to favor Democrats -- and the poll itself was disproportionately weighted with people who had seen the debate).

Said it before, will say it again: Kerry may well have just enjoyed his best weekend of the campaign. What does it profit a man if he wins a debate but loses the election?


Blogger edward said...

Hello and welcome to the big world of blogging. I came over from Hugh Hewitt, And I like what I have seen. Keep up the good work and good luck. The internal of all the polls I have seen suggest that Sen. Kerry "looked" presidential, our CinC IS presidential.

Ed R-
Ex-Physics Professor, now the Creator/builder of Kidsafe Playhouses

5:12 PM  
Blogger Birkel said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. BTW, I'm using the exact same color scheme on my blog so I feel right at home. :)

May I suggest you use for your comments? I've just switch over and think it's much better.

The other point you missed: the MSM holds middle America in contempt. The MSM really believes red states' residents are idiots who can be swayed (as I believe they were in the past) by biased reporting. Cognitive dissonance indeed!

P.S. Stop by my blog if you like.


10:49 PM  

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