Carol Platt Liebau

Sunday, October 03, 2004

According to some pretty convincing video on the Drudge Report (, it looks like John Kerry may have had a "cheat sheet" of notes that he brought into Thursday's debate, in contravention of the rules that prohibited candidates from bringing any kind of documentation -- or even a pen -- into the debate if it hadn't been approved by the debate Commission in advance. There's a lot of discussion about what it could be; to me, it looks like an 8x11 piece of paper that had been folded into fours.

Here's the verbiage from the Memorandum of Understanding:

"Each candidate must submit to the staff of the Commission prior to the debate all such paper and any pens or pencils with which a candidate may wish to take notes during the debate, and the staff or commission will place such paper, pens and pencils on the podium..."

So what was it that Kerry didn't want the Commission to see? If it turns out that Kerry was indeed cheating, Democrats will argue that the breach was immaterial -- just one little piece of paper. But cheating is cheating, and if true, it says something pretty awful about Kerry's integrity. AND his judgment -- see the first post from this morning.

The good people of Middle America will be appalled . . . with good reason.

Maybe they were crib notes with the answers to "the global test."


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