Carol Platt Liebau: Tears of Some Clowns?

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Tears of Some Clowns?

No doubt the news that the Foley scandal is having limited political impact on the GOP is deeply disappointing to the Dems and their MSM allies.

Even so, it's typical of the good sense of the American people. What point would it make to punish congressmen who didn't even know about the Foley scandal by not voting for them, thereby turning Congress over to a bunch of cut 'n run defeatists?


Blogger Marshal Art said...

Y'know Dodge, I have the same situation with MY wife. We are total opposites, but I remind her of the one thing we DO have in common that holds us together: She loves me, and so do I.

I love that joke.

But as to the thread, it's mighty gratifying to know that no one is getting the vapors over this event that has seen it's conclusion with Foley's ouster. Of course it'll take a while for the Dems to get past it, because they need for folks to assume this one bad apple means the whole barrel is rotten. The thing is, when the Dems smell something bad, they need to check their own armpits.

10:38 PM  

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