Carol Platt Liebau: Who Do <i>You</i> Want Running the Country?

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Who Do You Want Running the Country?

This piece on the Alito nomination paints an illuminating contrast between the disciplined and efficient Republican operation, vs. the disorganization and confusion of the Democrats.

Seems to me that it's fair to ask: If the Dems can't get it together to find a coherent way to oppose a nominee, how is it, exactly, that Americans are supposed to trust them to fight the war on terror?

And, by the way, what's with this bizarre little vignette from the linked story?

One 25-minute meeting, with Sen. Lincoln D. Chafee (R.I.), a key Republican moderate, took place on the Capitol steps at Chafee's insistence so they could both be looking and pointing at the Supreme Court when they spoke.

Cue the Twilight Zone music.


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