Carol Platt Liebau: Just the Facts, Please

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Just the Facts, Please

Judging from this Washington Post article, it sounds like there was a hot time in the old town yesterday.

That's not a bad thing. It's time that those putting Harriet Miers forward understood (1) the depth of anger among conservatives and (2) that we need more information than the general platitudes that have accompanied Supreme Court nominees like John Roberts. No, not commitments on how she would rule on cases -- but some insight as to how and why the President decided she should be the pick and why she'd be a good one.

I want to give Harriet Miers a chance. If she has to be opposed, it should be on the facts. But if she's to be supported, we need some facts on that, too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leave it to the Republican's and the chattering classes to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. The conservatives that are whining about Ms. Miers are no different than the Democrats and far left pundits. The American people are getting fed up with the antics of both the left and the right. A fight over this nominee is stupid and counterproductive. So far W has put forth strong nominees for all judicial appointments that will correct the out of control judiciary in this country. George Will and the rest of the chattering class need to get a life and join the real world.


8:24 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Here, Here!!

12:00 PM  

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