Carol Platt Liebau: Pure Power(line)

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Pure Power(line)

Thanks to the gentlemen at Powerline for writing so articulately exactly what I was trying to express on the air for two hours earlier today at KABC.

It should be no surprise that the MSM response is, predictably, anti-Bush (for more on that, read posts here and here. And all of us admire the Administration's restraint in declining to ape the despicable finger-pointing of the left (for more on the wild and completely unsubstantiated charges, see this post, and this one, too).

But a gentlemanly refusal to explain to the American people the various factors that inhibited the federal response -- exemplified by some of Michael Chertoff's emphasis today on the morning shows on getting the job done, rather than engaging in "after action analysis" -- is tantamount to entering a knife fight with a water gun.

Remember the apocryphal story of the President's father being amazed by a supermarket scanner? It was a total falsehood. But the press and President Bush I's political opponents used it to weave a narrative about him.

Similarly, the President's opponents -- including one hysterical caller today when I was on the air -- are claiming that the President was golfing on Monday. It's a lie.

It's absolutely vital that these tall tales being spread by the President's hysterical critics be rebutted at first, not at last. With the help of too many in the MSM, the President's critics are trying to construct a narrative -- one that will destroy the President.

It's each American's prerogative to judge the President's performance. But it shouldn't be on the basis of falsehoods, exaggerations and inaccuracies.


Blogger SantaBarbarian said...

The corporate media is finally attempting to do the job it is meant to do...ask pertinent the facts.

The facts are that FEMA has been a complete failure in this.

Truckloads of water donated by WalMart turned away...

Boats brought in for hospital evacuations...turned away....

Doctors and Firemen told to wait for days...and then turned away.

Doctors told to watch CNN for a link to a website to register for helping...but with no followthrough.

When millions of lives are destroyed, for this President to create a sanitized area for a press conference and to joke about coming to New Orleans in the past to party..."a bit too much" is beyond reprehensible.

This administration just isn't interested in dealing with reality. You can not spin yourself out of millions of destroyed lives.

It is horrifying to watch the callousness and hate for fellow Americans that many on the Republican side have.

In New Orleans, "you are dealing with the permanently poor -- people who don't have jobs, are not used to getting up and organizing themselves and getting things done and for whom sitting and waiting is a way of life," says Linda Chavez, president of the Center for Equal Opportunity and a former head of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission.

This Administration has declared war on the poor. It has declared war on New Orleans. It has declare war on fellow Americans.

It isn't what Jesus would do.

11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the very proper looking lady in the picture, how do you know he wasn't playing golf?

10:53 AM  

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