Carol Platt Liebau: Let's roll, indeed.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Let's roll, indeed.

Here's a piece from The Sun celebrating some of the heroes of the London attack. It ends with a war wounds expert noting, “There was absolute calm and no voices raised, people were just waiting to roll.”

Let's roll, then! This story is valuable because it at least provides hints to the suffering and misery from which the MSM delicately averts its eyes -- like the vignette of the dead woman's head falling off her body.

Such scenes are what our enemies want. Take note, liberal sheep.


Blogger veggiedude said...

Let's not forget that many American's supported the I.R.A. over a 30 year period with moral support, financial aid and even with guns. The American legal system kept escaped bombers on the run in this country for years as they fought extradition. This is similar to how some in Iraq supported (in particular, Saddam) the suicide bombers in Israel.

Talk about living in glass houses!

11:41 PM  

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