Carol Platt Liebau: Dressing for "Success"

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Dressing for "Success"

Government employees in California are disgruntled because a dress code has been put in place.

Imagine the outrage: Employees of San Bernadino County are no longer being permitted to wear sweatpants to work! And come-hither heels are being banned. The outrage! The persecution!

More examples of the oppression include banning overalls, sports team gear and shirts that bare bellybuttons. According to the piece, "Tattoos that can't be covered by clothing must be covered by other means. Pierced ears and earrings for both sexes are allowed."

Who in their right mind could object to this? When at work, dress professionally. What people want to do on their own time is their own business; what they do on taxpayer time is the taxpayers' business -- and there's nothing wrong with expecting people to dress (and behave) appropriately.


Blogger HouseOfSin said...

OK OK -- Dan I see where you're coming from, but lemme unravel this a tad.

First, you want *every* woman to dress like that? I don't.

Second, amen to the dress code. It's hard for me to take someone seriously when they're not dressed properly. Fair or unfair, I'm wondering how you can manage my car registration when you can't even manage your wardrobe.

Third, the dress code is of most benefit to the employees. A powerful conservative criticism of public employment (not sure if it appears much on this blog though) is the almost socialistic benefits and environment that exists in this universe parallel to the private sector (where I work).

To that end, a dress code actually does all employees a favor by making them more employable. If a politician ever has to cut costs from less incoming tax, and public employees get laid off (all of which will happen), it's a lot easier for them to get comparable work in the private sector if they already dress and act as the private sector would wish.

Laid-off public employees who believe that they can enter the private sector while dressing any way they feel are in for a very rude surprise.

To the affected employees, the dress code is ultimately an act of kindness. Whether the employees see it that way or not. Whether those who impose the code see it that way or not.

11:44 AM  

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